Hosmer lemeshow test.

blr_hosmer_lemeshow_test(model, data = NULL)



An object of class glm.


a tibble or data.frame.

See also

Other model validation techniques: blr_confusion_matrix, blr_decile_capture_rate, blr_decile_lift_chart, blr_gains_table, blr_gini_index, blr_ks_chart, blr_lorenz_curve, blr_roc_curve


model <- glm(honcomp ~ female + read + science, data = hsb2, family = binomial(link = 'logit')) blr_hosmer_lemeshow_test(model)
#> Partition for the Hosmer & Lemeshow Test #> -------------------------------------------------------------- #> def = 1 def = 0 #> Group Total Observed Expected Observed Expected #> -------------------------------------------------------------- #> 1 20 0 0.16 20 19.84 #> 2 20 0 0.53 20 19.47 #> 3 20 2 0.99 18 19.01 #> 4 20 1 1.64 19 18.36 #> 5 21 3 2.72 18 18.28 #> 6 19 3 4.05 16 14.95 #> 7 20 7 6.50 13 13.50 #> 8 20 10 8.90 10 11.10 #> 9 20 13 11.49 7 8.51 #> 10 20 14 16.02 6 3.98 #> -------------------------------------------------------------- #> #> Goodness of Fit Test #> ------------------------------ #> Chi-Square DF Pr > ChiSq #> ------------------------------ #> 4.4998 8 0.8095 #> ------------------------------